Between the first and fifth of September 2014 Nahla Mattar and Nagwan visited Denmark for workshops, lectures and concert.
Nahla Matter’s electronic sound installation ‘The City the Ghost’ was used as inspiration for a workshop with instant composition workshop at Vedbæk School and Frederiksberg Gymnasium directed by Mogens Christensen.
Workshop with stomp at Rysensteen Gymnasium and Ishøj Gymnasium with Nagwan.
Vocal workshop with Malene Bichel at Frederiksberg Gymnasium and Klangsaft.
Lecture about contemporary music in Egypt by Nahla Matter at Rysensteen and Frederiksberg Gymnasium.
Stomp workshop at Ishøj Gymnasium
Denmark, Nagwan, Stomp, Workshops, YouthConcert at Literaturhaus in Copenhagen
Concert, Denmark, Malene Bichel, NagwanTwo short extracts from the concert:
Nagwan, Benjamin Koppel, Ahmed Hesham, Thommy Andersson:
Improvisation with Malene Bichel, Ole Matthiesen, Nagwan, Benjamin Koppel, Ahmed Hesham, Thommy Andersson