The videos introduce our way of organising with instant composition and creative processes in music education. The process could generally be divided in three phases:
1) The input (motivator), starting the process. Here we provided the material, the inspiration for the following composition/improvisation. We experimented with different types of input:
A) Introducing musical instruments from around the world and the physics behind sound. Followed by building instrument themselves (also a creative process), they later composed for.
B) Introducing parallels in music and visual art (ornaments) from different parts of the world. Followed by drawing ornaments themselves (also a creative process), they later put in to sound.
C) Experimenting with the human voice before composing with it.
2) The creative process itself was based on Mogens Christensen’s strict compositional process, with a strong flow fuelled by the composer during the whole process. The children worked in a circular process: ‘find’ a sound/small ‘theme’, present it to the others, make it into something more, present again, expand, immitate others, borrow from the others, discuss form and structure, work on beginning & ending, connect and structure the sounds.
This process was sometimes combined with other creative processes:
A) working with sound and movement
B) working with songs and percussion
C) working with vocal exploration
D) drawing and design
E) building music instruments
3) The output – how the process finds an ending
A) Working with the process alone, finishing with a presentation of the final result within the group
B) Working with some kind of presentation, for an other class or for a larger audience
C) The workshops in Denmark ended with a presentation for other students.
The workshops in Cairo should have been combined all together to a large event. Unfortunately this was cancelled due to national mourning caused by terror attacks.
Stomp workshop at Ishøj Gymnasium
Denmark, Nagwan, Stomp, Workshops, YouthWorkshop at Vedbæk School
Children, Denmark, Instant composition, Mogens Christensen, WorkshopsWorkshop with the Awtar Quartet
Concert, Egypt, Instant composition, Mogens Christensen, WorkshopsFrom the instant composition workshop with Awtar Quartet:
Watch in HD
A short concert in the dark, with the final workshop result. From Faculty of Music Education, Helwan University, Cairo:
A short concert with the final workshop result. From DEDIs office: